Can I use my PGD Tracker Kit on multiple cameras?
Yes, but the Tracker will need to be re-calibrated every time you change camera bodies. Small differences in the hot shoe geometries and the position of the hot shoe relative to the camera body translate to large errors of the reticle position relative to the lens axis.
You may get lucky, but confirm calibration with a different camera before shooting. Recalibration is easy and can be done in the field (just in case your buddy wants to try it!). Keep the hex wrench that comes with your sight in your gear bag. If you typically use two cameras in the field, consider getting two trackers and label them to the camera they are calibrated to. (We offer a discount for purchasing two or more kits at once).
Do I have to re-calibrate for different lenses on the same camera body?
No. There may be very small reticle position errors for different lenses, but recalibration is typically not required.
What are the pros and cons of calibrating the sight for “parallel” versus “distance”?
The “parallel” calibration only requires that you learn to place the reticle above the center of your subject - composition by your offset amount, typically about 5” for the typical DSLR. With some practice, it becomes easy to estimate the offset for close or far subjects.
Calibrating for a fixed distance “on target” might be preferable in a situation where you are shooting from a blind or other fixed location with your subjects at a fixed distance, perhaps a feeder for example. Then shooting with the reticle directly on your target, especially for small birds and a long lens, might require less mental calculation while shooting.
Does it matter if I use a zoom telephoto versus a prime lens?
No. Fast prime lenses usually have the best AF performance, but zooms are more flexible for subjects close and far.
Can I leave the PGD Tracker on my camera?
While the Tracker can be left mounted on the camera at all times it will be much more susceptible to impact damage. This would not be covered under our warranty therefore we recommend removing the device when not actively engaged in a shooting session
The hot shoe is making small grooves in the ESM hot shoe. Is that a problem?
No. The metal edges of the hot shoe will initially make small grooves in the high-performance engineering plastic used in the ESM-1 design. This increases the contact area of the adapter to the hot shoe and the rate of wear will stop. The thumb screw allows for the small changes in fit to maintain tightness while in use.
Is there a “quick and dirty” way to set up “parallel” sight calibration?
Yes! We have recently started using a “blended” method of calibration and it is the “quick calibration” described in our instructions.